
As Christians we believe that planet Earth is a gift of God and we, in our lifetimes, are temporary stewards of this most amazing, beautiful and fragile gift.

The Church of England has Five Marks of Mission (the DNA, if you like, of our missional priorities) and the fifth is: To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

In the Three Colnes we share this message and as well talking the talk it is important that we walk the walk. Part of this is to have a look at all that we do and are as church and to ask how ecologically aware we are and how we put it into action.

So, we have joined the Eco Church scheme by A Rocha, which helps us to assess how we are caring for God’s earth in different areas of church life and work. The survey takes us through five key areas of church life:

  • Worship and teaching

  • Management of church buildings

  • Management of church land

  • Community and global engagement

  • Lifestyle

The good news is that St Andrew’s Earls Colne and St Andrew’s Colne Engaine have both been awarded the Bronze Award for current practice, and White Colne is making an application. Across our churches we are planning how to be even better in our ecological mission.

For more information visit,

Thirty for Thirty: Cutting Your Carbon