Supporting Our Community and Beyond

  • We leave boxes for donations outside our churches. Please continue to put things into them. A good time to do this is when the church is open for private prayer or on Mondays when Doug will be in the porch from 9.30-10am.

  • …And PRAY!

If you are in need of support with food whether you live alone, as a couple or a family, please contact Revd Mark Payne for help.

Ever walked into the supermarket, seen the Foodbank box and wondered what Foodbank needs this month? Have you tried the app BanktheFood? This app pings whenever you approach one of Braintree Area Foodbank donations points and will give you an up-to-date list of the items needed .


….And Strong Carrier Bags, please.

Braintree Area Foodbank is always grateful for your donations, but they are only able to accept donations of freshly-bought, unopened and undamaged goods, which are well within their 'use by' date (no more than 6 months where possible.

Foodbank also welcomes monetary donations.

Ever walked into the supermarket, seen the Foodbank box and wondered what Foodbank needs this month? Have you tried the app BanktheFood? This app pings whenever you approach one of Braintree Area Foodbank donations points and will give you an up-to-date list of the items needed .

HOME START Warm and Safe Project

Support for families with pre-school children affected by Covid.

To donate: visit

If you need more information on the Chelmsford branch (which covers the Colnes), visit:

If you have perishable food to donate (which the Food Bank can’t accept), please contact Doug McKenzie.